Hearing and speech rehabilitation

Rehabilitation includes a multi-specialist diagnosis and individual or group therapy that takes into account the needs and capabilities of each patient. Offers hearing and speech rehabilitation:

  • rehabilitation of children, adolescents and adults with speech and hearing disorders
  • rehabilitation of children, adolescents and adults with paralysis
  • rehabilitation and comprehensive care of patients after hearing implantation (medical, speech therapy, pedagogical, psychological)
  • Remote programming of speech processors of cochlear implant systems (telefitting)
  • rehabilitation of children and adolescents with central hearing disorders using therapy: Polymodal Sensory Perception Stimulation using Skarzynski’s method (SPPS-S), Johansen IAS
  • consultation and diagnosis of APD – Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Voice rehabilitation in various phoniatric disorders
  • Learning voice and esophageal speech in people after total laryngectomy
  • Vestibular rehabilitation for peripheral vestibular injuries

Rehabilitation of voice disorders among others:

  • after laryngeal surgery
  • After surgeries in the neck and chest area
  • In voice professionals
  • In children and adolescents (childhood hoarseness, mutation disorders, persistent fistulous voice)