Psychological consultation and therapy

PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH HEARING AND SPEECH DISORDERS A psychological consultation is an adjunct to a medical visit.
Some of the problems associated with hearing and speech disorders have a psychological basis, although we do not always realize it.
To meet the needs of patients, the Hearing and Speech Center has prepared an offer of services including comprehensive psychological care. We offer psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance for children and adults:

  • Consultation for parents and caregivers of people with hearing and speech disorders,
  • psychological counseling,
  • stress management training,
  • emergency assistance.

Our area of special interest is helping children with communication disorders, including hearing and speech disorders.
We have experience in the diagnosis and therapy of communication difficulties of various etiologies – with specific speech and language disorders, holistic developmental disorders (autism, Asperger’s syndrome), communication disorders of emotional origin (social anxiety, selective mutism), specific disorders of development of school skills (difficulties in learning to read and write and arithmetic), with mental retardation. We also help children and adolescents with other developmental disorders and difficulties, including:

  • Children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their families,
  • Children and adolescents with behavioral disorders,
  • With tic disorders,
  • With mood disorders (depression),
  • With anxiety disorders and other emotional disorders.


  • We provide diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders in children, adolescents and adults, in particular: diagnosis of developmental disorders in hearing impaired children (disorders of psychomotor development, disharmony in the development of cognitive functions, disorders of social-emotional development), diagnosis and therapy of central auditory processing disorders.
  • We diagnose and rehabilitate children with sensory integration disorders (Clinical Observation Test and Southern California Tests), speech (stuttering, delayed speech development, speech defects) and voice (e.g. childhood hoarseness resulting from overuse of the child’s voice), auditory hypersensitivity, disorders of behavior, concentration, attention (including auditory attention) , hyperactivity, specific school difficulties, dyslexia, we support the fight against stress.
  • We offer full school readiness testing (intellect + cognitive functions); psychological diagnosis of the young child (up to 3 years old); speech therapy and neurological diagnosis and therapy.
  • We diagnose children’s mental level, analyzer performance, personality, emotional-motor sphere.
  • We determine the profile of lateralization (functional asymmetry of the right and left sides of the human body) – including auditory, and provide therapy for their disorders.
  • We provide therapy for psychogenic hearing and speech disorders.
  • We provide psychological assistance to children, adolescents and adults (including their families) using cochlear implants, hearing aids, people with tinnitus.
  • We provide counseling on orientation and vocational activation for people with hearing loss.
  • We take part in the fitting of the cochlear implant system – telerehabilitation.
  • We provide psychomotor therapy.
  • We provide individual therapy for the cognitive functions of children and adolescents.
  • We implement group psychotherapy for children and adolescents (social skills training, aggression replacement training, stress management training).
  • We conduct parenting workshops (School for Parents and Educators, workshops for parents of children with ADHD).

At selected facilities, we perform test examinations:

  • School Relations Test,
  • Attention Tests,
  • Wordless intelligence tests for children,
  • Family Relationship Tests.