About the specialist


  • Pedagogy

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Assessing readiness to take on tasks,
  • Recognizing for school readiness,
  • Exercises to support the development of cognitive skills,
  • Exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods,
  • Exercises to support the implementation of the school program,
  • Exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and visual-motor-auditory coordination,
  • Small-motor exercises,
  • General development games,
  • Tactile Therapy,
  • Shantala massage – instruction,
  • Hand therapy.


  • MA in special education (AP Krakow),
  • Bachelor’s degree in preschool and early childhood pedagogy (Pedagogical Academy Krakow),
  • The rank of appointed teacher.

Work Experience:

  • 2006 – present, Rehabilitation-Education and Education Center in Rzeszow, teacher-therapist, working with parents (support group), conducting internal and parent trainings,
  • 2011 – present, CSiM MEDINCUS Rzeszow and at the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic (1 year).