MA Andzelina Biel-Falkowska

Scope of Services:

  • speech therapy diagnosis
  • neurologopedic diagnosis
  • Speech therapy tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the child including:
    • implementation of the principles of auditory education
    • listening exercises using environmental sounds and speech
    • phonemic perception exercises
    • exercises in auditory synthesis and analysis
    • listening training
    • passive speech exercises
    • active speech exercises
    • vocabulary exercises
    • grammar exercises
    • exercises shaping correct articulation of sounds
    • exercises to improve the articulatory apparatus
    • speech therapy massage
    • Formation of the correct act of biting, chewing and swallowing
    • feeding therapy
    • phonation exercises
    • breathing exercises
    • diction exercises
    • speaking fluency exercises
    • exercises in prosody of speech
  • activities supporting speech therapy
    • listening and movement exercises
MA Iwona Biskup


  • psychology, certified surdopedagogue

Scope of Services:

  • psychological diagnosis
  • Psychological therapy for children and adolescents with emotional problems, educational problems, behavioral disorders psychoeducation of parents
  • Techniques of effective learning for children and adolescents aged 11 and older


  • task readiness assessment
  • diagnosis in terms of school readiness
  • exercises to support the development of cognitive skills
  • exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods
  • exercises to support the implementation of the school curriculum
  • exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and visual-motor-auditory coordination
  • fine motor skills exercises
  • general development games
PhD M.S. Natalia Czajka


  • Special pedagogy
  • Specialization: I early intervention; II pedagogical therapy.

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Assessment/diagnosis and performance analysis of higher auditory processing (CAPD-Central Auditory Processing Disorder),
  • Diagnosis, programming and conducting SPPS-S (Stimulation of Polymodal Sensory Perception – Skarzynski method) therapy,
  • Implementation of SPPS stage I therapy (important! only after prior testing to assess higher auditory functions),
  • Implementation of SPPS-S therapy stage II,
  • Implementation of SPPS-S therapy stage III,
  • Summary of SPPS therapy -S/final tests.
MA Aleksandra Kolodziejak


  • Audiophology, pedagogy, sensory integration therapy

Hearing tests:

  • tonal audiometry
  • free field
  • impedance audiometry
  • verbal audiometry
  • free field verbal audiometry
  • auditory trumpet patency test
  • ABR latencies
  • ABR thresholds (basic and extended)



    • MML
    • noise characteristics
    • UCL


  • Sensory Integration Diagnosis
  • Sensory Integration Therapy
MA Alicja Osuch


  • revalidation of the deaf and hard of hearing

Scope of Services:

  • task readiness assessment
  • diagnosis in terms of school readiness
  • exercises to support the development of cognitive skills
  • exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods
  • exercises to support the implementation of the school curriculum
  • exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and visual-motor-auditory coordination
  • fine motor skills exercises
  • general development games
MA Monika Rozborska


  • Psychologist, educator

Scope of Services:

  • psychological diagnosis,
  • Psychological therapy for children and adolescents with emotional and educational problems, with behavioral disorders,
  • psycho-education of parents,
  • Support groups for youth and adults,
  • Techniques for effective learning of children and adolescents aged 11 and older,
  • child development-diagnosis
  • Exercises to support the development of cognitive skills,
  • exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods,
  • Exercises to support the implementation of the school program,
  • Exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and eye-hand-ear coordination,
  • small motor skills exercises,
  • general development games.
MA Martyna Sztuk-Wrzeszcz


  • Surdopedagogue, art therapist, physiotherapist, master’s degree in public health

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • task readiness assessment
  • diagnosis in terms of school readiness
  • exercises to support the development of cognitive skills
  • exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods
  • exercises to support the implementation of the school curriculum
  • exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and visual-motor-auditory coordination
  • fine motor skills exercises
  • general development games
  • Activities to support speech therapy:
    • listening and movement exercises
    • sensoplasty classes
  • Diagnosis for auditory processing disorder (APD)
  • Diagnosis of auditory attention disorders – Auditory attention and lateralization test
  • tests performed for APD:
    • FPT
    • DPT
    • DDT
    • SPN
    • aSPN
    • GDT
    • DLF
    • DLD
    • TRW
    • CWA
    • CWT
  • diagnosis and therapy using the SPPS-S method – auditory training
  • suropedagogical therapy
MA Wioletta Szyca


  • Pedagogical therapy, SI therapy

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Pedagogical therapy
  • Exercises to stimulate perceptual-motor functions
  • Exercises to support the development of cognitive skills
  • Exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods
  • Exercises to support the implementation of the school curriculum
  • Exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and visual-motor-auditory coordination
  • Small motor skills exercises
  • Exercises using Dennison’s method
  • Stimulation of the child’s overall mental and social development
  • Correction of disorders, functions most deeply disturbed
  • Disorder compensation
  • Extinguish negative behavioral symptoms
  • Positive reinforcement of the child- increasing self-esteem and motivation to learn
  • Exercises to stimulate attention
  • Assessing readiness to take on tasks
  • S Therapy
  • Conducting an AI diagnosis
  • Exercises that stimulate the central nervous system by stimulating receptors,
  • Exercises to develop the correct perception and analysis of stimuli provided through the senses,
  • Sensoplastic exercises,
  • Exercises to improve small and large motor skills
  • Exercises to stimulate attention
  • Exercises to improve cognitive functions
  • Exercises to stimulate eye-hand coordination
MA Justyna Tabaka


  • Surdopedagogy

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Pedagogical therapy tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the child including:
    • Implementing the principles of auditory education,
    • Listening exercises using environmental sounds and speech,
    • Phonemic perception exercises,
    • Auditory synthesis and analysis exercises,
    • listening training,
    • passive speech exercises,
    • active speech exercises,
    • dictionary exercises,
    • grammar exercises,
    • Exercises to support the development of cognitive skills,
    • exercises to improve reading technique using existing methods,
    • Exercises to support the implementation of the school program,
    • Exercises to stimulate graphomotor development and eye-hand-ear coordination,
    • small motor skills exercises,
    • general development games,
    • listening and movement exercises (group),
    • sensoplastic activities (group),
    • vocabulary and grammar exercises.