About the specialist


  • speech therapy, neurology, surdologopedia, myofunctional therapy, SI therapist

Scope of Services:

  • speech therapy diagnosis
  • neurologopedic diagnosis
  • surdologopedic diagnosis
  • myofunctional diagnosis
  • Speech therapy tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the child including:
  • implementation of the principles of auditory education
  • listening exercises using environmental sounds and speech
  • phonemic perception exercises
  • exercises in auditory synthesis and analysis
  • passive speech exercises
  • active speech exercises
  • vocabulary exercises
  • grammar exercises
  • exercises shaping correct articulation of sounds
  • exercises to improve the articulatory apparatus
  • speech therapy massage
  • Formation of the correct act of biting, chewing and swallowing
  • phonation exercises
  • breathing exercises


  • University of Gdansk, postgraduate studies – major: surdologopedia
  • University of Social and Natural Sciences named after.
    Wincentego Pola in Lublin, postgraduate studies – direction: sensory integration
  • University of Gdansk, postgraduate studies – major: neurologopedia
  • Olsztyn University, postgraduate studies – major: speech therapy
  • University of Warmia and Mazury, MA studies – major: Polish philology
  • University of Warmia and Mazury, undergraduate studies – major: Polish philology