About the specialist


  • speech therapy, surdologopedia

Scope of Services:

  • speech therapy diagnosis
  • surdologopedic diagnosis
  • Speech therapy tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the child including:
    • implementation of the principles of auditory education
    • listening exercises using environmental sounds and speech
    • Phonemic perception exercises.
    • exercises in auditory synthesis and analysis
    • listening training
    • passive speech exercises
    • active speech exercises
    • vocabulary exercises
    • grammar exercises
    • exercises shaping correct articulation of sounds
    • exercises to improve the articulatory apparatus
    • phonation exercises
    • breathing exercises
    • speaking fluency exercises
    • exercises in prosody of speech

Diagnosis and treatment


  • Postgraduate studies – surdologopedia – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • Polish philology, specialization – speech therapy – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin

Work Experience:

  • 2015 – present, Medincus Hearing and Speech Center in Rzeszow.
  • 2001 – 2002 – speech therapist and Polish language teacher at the Special School and Educational Center in Rudnik
  • 2001 – 2002 – speech therapist and Polish language teacher at the Public Elementary School No. 1 in Rudnik nad Sanem