About the specialist


  • Audiophonology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Selection of hearing aids for air conduction, bone conduction (it is also possible to rent hearing aids before purchase),
  • Adjustments of hearing aids of selected brands,
  • Receiving cameras for service, repair,
  • Collection of ear molds for customized earplugs, waterproof earplugs,
  • Hearing tests: tonal audiometry, free field, impedance audiometry, verbal audiometry, free field verbal audiometry, auditory trumpet patency test, TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR latencies, ABR thresholds (basic and extended)
  • Tinnitus: MML, noise characteristics, UCL,
  • Vertigo: VNG/ENG ( videonystagmography/electronystagmography), vHIT, cVEMP, oVEMP, .


  • 2010 – 2013, Bachelor’s Degree: Audiophonology, Faculty of Medicine I, Warsaw Medical University,
  • 2013 – 2016, Master’s degree in Public Health, specialization in Healthcare Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Warsaw Medical University.

Work Experience:

  • 2018 – present, audiophonologist at the Hearing and Speech Center – hearing care, hearing and balance testing,
  • 2013 – 2018 – medical technician at the Hearing and Speech Center – hearing and balance testing.

Membership in Scientific Societies:

  • Polish Society of Pediatric Otolaryngologists.