About the specialist


  • Physiotherapy

Therapies provided:

  • Temporomandibular joint therapy
  • AMSA and TAJFUN inhalations

Diagnosis and treatment

Training received:

  • “The child’s foot – diagnosis and therapy”.
  • “Kinesiological patching in musculoskeletal dysfunctions – practical aspects”.
  • “Osteopathic diagnosis and therapy of headaches”.
  • “Craniomandibular-spinal dysfunction in theory and practice – the basic part”.
  • “Comprehensive Fascial Therapy”.
  • “Extensive use of kinesiotaping in pregnancy and puerperium using the example of a cesarean section scar.”
  • “Pain radiating to the lower limb”.
  • “Ankle conundrum – ankle sprain without orthosis”.
  • “Craniomandibular-spinal dysfunction in theory and practice – basic part and extended part”.

Work Experience:

  • Currently – MEDINCUS Hearing and Speech Center
  • 2018 – graduate studies – physiotherapy