About the specialist
- audiologist , medical technician
Scope of Services:
- selection of hearing aids for air conduction, bone conduction (it is also possible to rent hearing aids before purchase)
- hearing aid adjustments
- accepting cameras for service, repair
- Collection of ear molds for customized earplugs, waterproof earplugs
- teleservice
- telefitting
- hearing tests: tonal audiometry, free field, impedance audiometry, verbal audiometry, free field verbal audiometry, auditory trumpet patency test, TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR latencies, ABR thresholds (basic )
- Tinnitus: MML, noise characteristics, UCL
- Vertigo: VNG/ENG (videonystagmography/electronystagmography),
- Tests for central disorders
Diagnosis and treatment
- higher – bachelor’s degree from the department of public health with specialization in management in health care facilities
- SOBS – IFIPS in Kajetany
- audiologist – post-secondary two-year school in Cracow
- 5-year construction technical school in Tychy
Work Experience:
- 2008 – present, Silesian Hearing and Speech Center Medincus, Katowice, Poland.
- 2005 – 2008 – audiologist at Sono
- 2003 – 2005 – audiologist in Auric Polska