MA Anna Rosinska
Speech therapist
About the specialist Specialization: Diagnosis and treatment: Speech therapy diagnosis, Surdologopedic diagnosis, Speech therapy tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the child including:Implementing the principles of auditory education, Listening exercises using environmental sounds and speech, Phonemic perception exercises, Auditory synthesis and analysis exercises, SPPS by Skarzynski’s method, listening training, passive speech exercises, active speech exercises, dictionary exercises, grammar exercises, Exercises that shape the correct articulation of the sounds, Exercises to improve the articulatory apparatus, speech therapy massage, Forming the proper act of biting, chewing and swallowing, phonation exercises, breathing exercises, diction exercises, speaking fluency exercises, exercises in prosody of speech, Activities to support speech therapy:listening and movement exercises.
Diagnosis and treatment
Age of patients admitted Age of patients admitted: Children over 3 years old, Adults. Education: Postgraduate Logopedic Studies, Postgraduate Surdologopedic Studies, Postgraduate Pedagogical Studies, Tomatis therapy – level II specialization. Work Experience: Since 2009. – speech therapist at IFiPS, Scope of work – diagnostics for hearing therapies, APD and TUiLS tests, diagnosis and therapy of patients with voice disorders, hearing loss, stuttering, articulation disorders, delayed speech development.