Privacy Policy

Securing Personal Data Hearing and Speech Center sp.
Ltd. uses organizational, procedural and technical measures to secure the processed data.
The organization uses measures to best secure the personal data and privacy of the subjects.
The selection of the measures used is based on a risk analysis and an assessment of the impact of processing.
Personal Data Protection Policy The confidentiality of data and the protection of our customers’ privacy is a priority for us.
Therefore, taking care of data security and respecting the applicable laws, a policy has been established that sets out the rules on how we collect, process and use personal data.
Personal Data Administrator The administrator of personal data is the Hearing and Speech Center sp.
z o.o. with its registered office in Kajetany 05-830 Nadarzyn, ul.
Mokra 7.
Data Protection Supervisor This is a person within the organization who can be contacted on all matters relating to the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights related to its processing.
Contact with the Data Protection Inspector:

  • mailing address: Personal Data Inspector CSiM, ul.
    Mokra 7, Kajetany 05-830 Nadarzyn
  • e-mail:

Personal Data The personal data you provide is processed for the following purposes:

  • medical coverage,
  • the provision of non-medical services consisting of, among other things.
    on the selection of hearing aids,
  • To make settlements for business activities,
  • handling complaints,
  • To inform about the opportunity to participate in a survey of the quality of the service provided,
  • archiving data in accordance with the law,
  • Ensure the safety of persons and property (video surveillance of the clinic conducted).

You have the following rights related to the processing of personal data:

  1. The right to object to the processing of your data for marketing purposes – as we process your data for marketing purposes on the basis of legitimate interests,
  2. The right to object to the processing of data on the basis of a particular situation – in cases where we process data on the basis of our legitimate interest,
  3. The right to withdraw consent to the release of health information,
  4. The right to access your personal data,
  5. The right to request the rectification of your personal data,
  6. The right to request the deletion of your personal data, only if we are not obliged by law to process them,
  7. The right to request restrictions on the processing of your personal data,
  8. The right to portability of your personal data, i.e.
    The right to receive your personal data from us, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable computer format.
    You can send this data to another data controller or request that we send your data to another controller.
    However, we will only do so if such a transfer is technically possible.

To exercise the above rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer.
You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge of personal data protection, i.e. the
President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
Data collected automatically When you visit our website, we automatically record data about your activity, such as.
Among others.
IP address, browser type, operating system type.
This data is used only for administrative and statistical purposes.
Transmission of personal data and communication with our servers is encrypted and takes place using SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
The servers on which personal data are stored are owned by Hearing and Speech Center sp.
z o.o. and are secured against unauthorized access.
Use of cookies (“cookies”) Our website may use the “cookies” mechanism, which is used to identify the user’s session when using our website.
“Cookies” do not contain any personal data and ensure the correct operation of the application.
In order to block the transmission of such files, you should set your browser accordingly, bearing in mind that some functions of the site may not work.
Sharing of data with third parties Hearing and Speech Center sp.
z o.o. will transfer your personal data to:

  • entities that process data on behalf of the data controller,
  • To entities authorized by law,
  • entities and individuals authorized by you.

Hearing and Speech Center sp.
z o.o. reserves the right to change the content of the privacy policy in case of changes in the Polish law or implementation of new technological and IT solutions. Information clause on the processing of personal data provided in the registration form and contained in medical records