Explore our offer

Throat surgery
  • Adenotomy – removal of the pharyngeal tonsil
  • Adenotonsillotomy – removal of the pharyngeal tonsil and undercutting of the palatine tonsils
  • Tongue frenulum plasty
  • Tonsillectomy – total removal of the palatine tonsils
  • Tonsillotomy – undercutting of the palatine tonsils
  • Uvulophalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) with RaVor device – plasticity of the palatopharyngeal arches with plasticity of the soft palate and shortening of the uvula
  • Uvulotomy – shortening of the uvula
Ear surgery
  • Antromastoidectomy – removal of inflammatory lesions from the middle ear from a behind-the-ear approach.
  • Atticoantromastoidectomy – removal of a perloma with a behind-the-ear approach
  • Ear drainage under local and general anesthesia
  • Epitympantomy – surgery of the middle ear
  • Myringoossiculoplasty – restoration of the eardrum with reconstruction of the auditory ossicular chain
  • Myringoplasty – restoration of the eardrum
  • Restoration of the lumen of the ear canal
  • Modified radical surgery of the middle ear – radical removal of perlage lesions
  • Ossiculoplasty -reconstruction of the auditory ossicular chain
  • External ear canal plasty
  • Stapedotomy – surgery for otosclerosis
  • Tympanopuncture of the tympanic membrane – puncture of the tympanic membrane with suctioning out any residual fluid
  • Removal of a perloma from the middle ear
  • Exploratory Tympanotomy
  • Removal of ossicles from the ear canal
Nasal/sinus surgery
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery with navigation (FESS)
  • Bilateral surgery of all sinuses
  • Sinus rinsing with Hydrodebrider
  • Shaver operations
  • Operation Lothrop
  • Maxillary sinus surgery
  • Septoplasty – plastic surgery of the nasal septum
  • Septorhinoplasty – plasty of the septum + external nose
  • Septoconchoplasty – plasticity of the nasal septum and nasal auricles
  • Conchoplasty – plasticity of the nasal auricles
  • Polypectomy – removal of polyps from the nose
Laryngeal surgery
  • Microsurgery of the larynx
Vocal organ surgery
  • Removal of vocal nodules
  • Removal of epiglottis cyst
  • Removal of laryngeal papillomas
  • Removal of a vocal fold cyst
Full procedure for diagnosis and implantation of cochlear implant, middle ear implant, bone conduction implants