About the specialist


  • Hearing care
  • Surdologopedia

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Programming and conducting SPPS-S (Stimulation of Polymodal Sensory Perception by Skarzynski method) therapy
  • implementation of SPPS therapy, stage I (only after prior testing to assess higher auditory functions)
  • implementation of SPPS-S therapy, stage II
  • implementation of SPPS-S therapy, stage III
  • SPPS-S therapy summary – final tests

Scope of Services:

  • Selection of hearing aids for air conduction, bone conduction (also possible to rent hearing aids before purchase)
  • Hearing aid adjustments
  • Receiving cameras for service, repair
  • Collection of ear molds for customized earplugs, waterproof earplugs

Hearing tests:

  • tonal audiometry
  • free field
  • impedance audiometry
  • verbal audiometry
  • free field verbal audiometry
  • auditory trumpet patency test
  • ABR latencies
  • ABR thresholds (basic and extended)


  • MML
  • noise characteristics
  • UCL


  • VNG /ENG (videonystagmography/electronystagmography).
  • posturography
  • Shift OAE – test for MENIER’s Disease
  • Vhit
  • oVEMP
  • cVEMP


  • Postgraduate studies in Surdolodopedia, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
  • II degree studies in Logopedia with audiology, specialization – clinical speech therapy, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • Bachelor’s degree in Logopedia with audiology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • The title of Hearing Prosthodontics Technician at the Medical Vocational College named after him.
    Stanislaw Liebhart in Lublin
  • Study of Objective Hearing Research at IFPS in Kajetany

Work Experience:

  • 2017-2020 – Student Logopedic Clinic of UMCS – speech therapist
  • 2019-2020 – Zoom Optician Optical Salons, Hearing Care – hearing care professional