About the specialist


  • Audiophonology

Scope of Services:

  • Hearing tests: tonal audiometry, free field, impedance audiometry, verbal audiometry, free field verbal audiometry, auditory trumpet patency test, TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR latencies, ABR thresholds (basic and extended),
  • Vertigo: VNG/ENG ( videonystagmography/electronystagmography), posturography, Shift OAE- examination for MENIER’s disease, Vhit, oVEMP, cVEMP


  • First-degree studies at the Medical College of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Bydgoszcz
  • Advanced sign language course

Work Experience:

  • currently – Malopolska Hearing and Speech Center MEDINCUS, audiologist technician
  • Internships held at: CSIM MEDINCUS Katowice, GEERS Good Hearing Bytom, University Hospital im.
    Jan Biziel in Bydgoszcz