About the specialist


  • otolaryngology, phoniatrics

Scope of Services:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, pearl-like conditions
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps, nasal septal torsion, nasal auricle hypertrophy
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps, and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic lesions of the vocal folds; Reinke’s edema; papillomas of the larynx, vocal fold paralysis, glottal phonatory insufficiency evaluation of the voice category in singers
  • examination of voice, hearing and speech problems
  • preliminary and periodic examinations for voice work
  • qualification for artistic professions
  • Voice problems in people working artistically


  • nasofiberoscopy
  • videostroboscopy


  • Diploma in Medicine: Military Medical Academy
  • Specialization in otolaryngology: ORL Clinic of the Military Medical Institute (Warsaw, 128 Szaserów St.)
  • Specialization in phoniatrics: Phoniatry Outpatient Clinic of the ORL (Warsaw, 1a Banacha St.)

Work Experience:

  • 1998 – present, Audiological and Phoniatric Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology of the Military Medical Institute CSK MON (Warsaw, 128 Szaszerów Street).
  • 2000 – present, Audiological and Phoniatric Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Warsaw Medical University (Warsaw, Stępińska Street 19/25).

Membership in Scientific Societies:

  • Polish Society of Otolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons