About the specialist


  • Otolaryngology (doctor undergoing specialization in otolaryngology)

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, Including chronic inflammation, exudative, peracoustic conditions,
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss,
  • Hearingdamage, tinnitus,
  • Damage to the organ of balance, dizziness,
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps, nasal septal torsion, nasal auricle hypertrophy,
  • Gastroesophageal reflux,
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic palatine tonsillitis,
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps, and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic lesions of the vocal folds; Reinke’s edema; laryngeal papillomas, vocal fold paralysis, glottal phonatory insufficiency

Research and Services:

  • Nasofiberoscopy,
  • Videostroboscopy

Age of patients admitted:

  • Children over 3 years old,
  • Adults.


  • Medical degree: Collegium Medicum im.
    Ludwik Rydygier in Bydgoszcz Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun,
  • Undergoing specialization in otorhinolaryngology: Department of Otolaryngology, Laryngologic Oncology and Maxillofacial Surgery at the No. 2 University Hospital named after Dr. J. K. K., a former professor of Otolaryngology, Laryngologic Oncology and Maxillofacial Surgery.
    Jan Biziel in Bydgoszcz

Work Experience:

  • Undergoing specialization in otorhinolaryngology: Department of Otolaryngology, Laryngologic Oncology and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital named after Dr.
    Jan Biziel in Bydgoszcz 2021

Membership in Scientific Societies:

  • Polish Otorhinolaryngological Society.