D.Sc. Agnieszka Widziszowska


  • otolaryngology, audiology and phoniatrics

Scope of Services:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, pearl-like conditions
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss
  • Diagnostics for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction)
  • hearing damage, tinnitus
  • damage to the organ of balance, dizziness
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps,
  • curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal auricles
  • gastroesophageal reflux
  • sleep apnea
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils,
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic changes of the folds
  • of the vocal tract; Reinke’s edema; laryngeal papillomas, vocal fold paralysis, glottal phonatory insufficiency
  • examination of voice, hearing and speech problems


  • nasofiberoscopy
  • videostroboscopy
M.D. Zbigniew Aleksandrowski


  • otorhinolaryngology

Scope of Services:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, peracusitis
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss
  • hearing damage, tinnitus
  • damage to the organ of balance, dizziness
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps,
  • curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal auricles
  • gastroesophageal reflux
  • sleep apnea
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils,
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps, and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic lesions of the vocal folds; Reinke’s edema; laryngeal papillomas, vocal fold paralysis, glottal phonatory insufficiency
  • preliminary and periodic examinations for voice work


  • Videotoscopy using ENT Viewer/Duo Viewer f.
Dr. n. med. Katarzyna Augustyn


  • otolaryngology, audiology and phoniatrics

Scope of Services:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, pearl-like conditions
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps, nasal septal torsion, nasal auricle hypertrophy
  • gastroesophageal reflux
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils,
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps, and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic lesions of the vocal folds; Reinke’s edema; laryngeal papillomas, vocal fold paralysis, glottal phonatory insufficiency
  • preliminary and periodic examinations for voice work


  • nasofiberoscopy
  • videostroboscopy
M.D. Jedrzej Bartosik


  • Otorhinolaryngology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, pearl-like conditions
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss
  • Diagnosis for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction)
  • Hearing damage, tinnitus
  • Damage to the organ of balance, dizziness
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps
  • Curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal auricles
  • Sleep apnea
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic palatine tonsillitis
  • Initial and periodic examinations for voice work, work in noise and at heights
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps, and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic lesions of the vocal folds; Reinke’s edema; laryngeal papillomas)
  • Swallowing disorders (oropharyngeal dysphagia), feeling of obstruction in the throat, recurrent coughs and hoarseness, Laryngopharyngeal reflux
M.D. Roman Barylyak


  • Otorhinolaryngology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, Including chronic inflammation, exudative, peracoustic conditions,
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss,
  • Diagnostics for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction),
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic palatine tonsillitis.
M.D. Tomasz Bryk


  • undergoing specialization: otorhinolaryngology

Scope of Services:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, peracusitis
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss
  • Diagnostics for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction)
  • hearing damage, tinnitus
  • damage to the organ of balance, dizziness
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps, nasal septal torsion, nasal auricle hypertrophy
  • sleep apnea
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils,
M.D. Małgorzata Buksinska


  • Otorhinolaryngology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, Including chronic inflammation, exudative, peracoustic conditions,
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss,
  • Diagnostics for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction),
  • Hearingdamage, tinnitus,
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps,
  • Curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal auricles,
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic palatine tonsillitis.
M.D. Barbara Buniowska


  • Otorhinolaryngology, audiology and phoniatrics

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, Including chronic inflammation, exudative, peracoustic conditions,
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss,
  • Diagnostics for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction),
  • Hearingdamage, tinnitus,
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps, nasal septal torsion, nasal auricle hypertrophy,
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic palatine tonsillitis,
  • Diseases of the larynx and trachea (nodules, polyps, and cysts of the vocal folds, epiglottis; hypertrophic lesions of the vocal folds; Reinke’s edema; laryngeal papillomas, vocal fold paralysis, glottis phonatory insufficiency.
M.D. Kinga Cyra


  • Otorhinolaryngology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the external ear, inflammation of the internal ear, inflammation of the middle ear, including chronic inflammation, exudative, pearl-like conditions
  • Congenital hearing loss, acquired hearing loss, including otosclerosis, sudden deafness, age-related hearing loss
  • Diagnosis for hearing implants (cochlear, middle ear, bone conduction)
  • Hearing damage, tinnitus
  • Damage to the organ of balance, dizziness
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal and sinus polyps, nasal septal torsion, nasal auricle hypertrophy
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Sleep apnea
  • Hypertrophied palatine tonsils, hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, chronic palatine tonsillitis

Research and Services:

  • Nasofiberoscopy
Ph.D. Justyna Dabrowska-Bien


  • Otorhinolaryngology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Deformities of the external nose
  • Nasal mucositis, vasomotor rhinitis
  • Nasal and sinus polyps
  • Curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal auricles
  • Empty nose syndrome
  • Sleep apnea
  • Inflammation of the ear: external, middle and inner ear, including chronic inflammation and exudative and peracoustic inflammation
  • Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil and hypertrophy and/or inflammation of the palatine tonsils

Research and Services:

  • Fiberoscopy
  • Otoscopy
  • Nasal and sinus endoscopy
  • Removal of foreign body, earwax plugs
  • Applying the dressing
  • Swab collection

Operative treatment:

  • Sinus surgery, sinus reoperation
  • Surgical treatment of the nose, nasal septal curvature, nasal auricle hypertrophy, nasal polyps (septoplasty, conchoplasty, polypectomy, septoconchoplasty, maxillotomy)
  • Septorhinoplasty – surgery of the external nose
  • Ear ventilation drainage in children
  • Removal of palatine tonsils in adults (tonsillectomy) by Bizact (bloodless) method
  • Removal of tonsils (pharyngeal, palatine) in children (adenotomy, tonsillotomy)
  • Sublingual frenum plasty
  • Palatal plasty for sleep apnea (uvulotomy) (UPPP)