MA Natalia Adamczyk


  • Hearing care

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Selection of hearing aids for air conduction, bone conduction (it is also possible to rent hearing aids before purchase),
  • Hearing aid adjustments,
  • Receiving cameras for service, repair,
  • Collection of ear molds for customized earplugs, waterproof earplugs.

Age of patients admitted:

  • Newborns and infants (up to 1 year of age),
  • Infants from 6 months to 1 year,
  • Young children (1-3 years old),
  • Children over 3 years old,
  • Adults.
BA Anna Polewka


  • audiologist , medical technician

Scope of Services:

  • selection of hearing aids for air conduction, bone conduction (it is also possible to rent hearing aids before purchase)
  • hearing aid adjustments
  • accepting cameras for service, repair
  • Collection of ear molds for customized earplugs, waterproof earplugs
  • teleservice
  • telefitting
  • hearing tests: tonal audiometry, free field, impedance audiometry, verbal audiometry, free field verbal audiometry, auditory trumpet patency test, TEOAE, DPOAE, ABR latencies, ABR thresholds (basic )
  • Tinnitus: MML, noise characteristics, UCL
  • Vertigo: VNG/ENG (videonystagmography/electronystagmography),
  • Tests for central disorders
MA Boleslaw Bartnicki


  • electroradiologist technician

Scope of Services:

  • hearing tests:
    • tonal audiometry
    • free field
    • impedance audiometry
    • verbal audiometry
    • free field verbal audiometry
    • auditory trumpet patency test
    • TEOAE
    • DPOAE
    • ABR latencies
    • ABR thresholds (basic and extended)
  • tinnitus:
    • MML
    • noise characteristics
    • UCL
MA Alicja Bielecka


  • Hearing care, audiophonology

Diagnosis and treatment:

  • Selection of hearing aids for air conduction, bone conduction (also possible to rent hearing aids before purchase)
  • Hearing aid adjustments
  • Receiving cameras for service, repair
  • Collection of ear molds for customized earplugs, waterproof earplugs
  • FM systems

Hearing tests:

  • tonal audiometry
  • free field
  • impedance audiometry
  • verbal audiometry
  • free field verbal audiometry
  • auditory trumpet patency test
  • ABR latencies
  • ABR thresholds (basic and extended)



  • MML
  • noise characteristics
  • UCL


  • VNG /ENG (videonystagmography/electronystagmography).
  • posturography
  • Shift OAE – test for MENIER’s Disease
  • Vhit
  • oVEMP
  • cVEMP
Beata Bogucka


  • medical technician

Scope of Services:

  • hearing tests: tonal audiometry, free field, impedance audiometry, verbal audiometry, audiometry
  • verbal free field, TEOAE, DPOAE
  • tinnitus: noise characteristics